ĐÁP ÁN CAMBRIDGE IELTS 19 – The impact of climate change on butterflies in Britain

Giải đề Cambridge IELTS 19, Test 4, Reading Passage 1: The impact of climate change on butterflies in Britain

Bài giải đề từ team IELTSITY giúp các bạn xác định từ khóa, vị trí thông tin và giải thích đáp án cho đề Cambridge IELTS 19, Test 4, Reading Passage 1: The impact of climate change on butterflies in Britain

The impact of climate change on butterflies in Britain


1. FALSE 8. spring
2. TRUE 9. endangered
3. FALSE 10. habitat(s)
4. NOT GIVEN 11. Europe
5. FALSE 12. southern
6. TRUE 13. diet
7. colonies


The impact of climate change on butterflies in Britain

According to conservationists, populations of around two thirds of butterfly species have declined in Britain over the past 40 years (Q1). If this trend continues, it might have unpredictable knock-on effects for other species in the ecosystem. Butterfly eggs develop into caterpillars and these insects, which are the second stage in a new butterfly’s lifecycle, consume vast quantities of plant material, and in turn act as prey for birds as well as bats and other small mammals (Q2). Only by arming themselves with an understanding of why butterfly numbers are down can conservationists hope to halt or reverse the decline.

Butterflies prefer outdoor conditions to be ‘just right’, which means neither too hot nor too cold. Under the conditions of climate change, the temperature at any given time in summer is generally getting warmer, leaving butterflies with the challenge of how to deal with this. One of the main ways in which species are ensuring conditions suit them is by changing the time of year at which they are active and reproduce. Scientists refer to the timing of such lifecycle events as ‘phenology’, so when an animal or plant starts to do something earlier in the year than it usually does, it is said to be ‘advancing its phenology'(Q3).

These advances have been observed already in a wide range of butterflies — indeed, most species are advancing their phenology to some extent. In Britain, as the average spring temperature has increased by roughly 0.5°C over the past 20 years, species have advanced by between three days and a week on average, to keep in line with cooler temperatures (Q4). Is this a sign that butterflies are well equipped to cope with climate change, and readily adjust to new temperatures? Or are these populations under stress, being dragged along unwillingly by unnaturally fast changes? The answer is still unknown, but a new study is seeking to answer these questions (Q5).

First, the researchers pulled together data from millions of records that had been submitted by butterfly enthusiasts — people who spend their free time observing the activities of different species (Q6). This provided information on 130 species of butterflies in Great Britain every year for a 20-year period. They then estimated the abundance and distribution of each species across this time, along with how far north in the country they had moved. The data also, crucially, allowed researchers to estimate subtle changes in what time of the year each species was changing into an adult butterfly.

Analysing the trends in each variable, the researchers discovered that species with more flexible lifecycles were more likely to be able to benefit from an earlier emergence driven by climate change. Some species are able to go from caterpillar to butterfly twice or more per year, so that the individual butterflies you see flying in the spring are the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of the individuals seen a year previously.

Among these species, researchers observed that those which have been advancing their phenology the most over the 20-year study period also had the most positive trends in abundance, distribution and northwards extent. For these species, such as Britain’s tiniest butterfly, the dainty Small Blue, whose colonies are up to a hundred strong, some develop into butterflies early in spring(Q8), allowing their summer generations to complete another reproductive cycle by autumn so that more population growth occurs(Q7).

Other species, however, are less flexible and restricted to a single reproductive cycle per year. For these species, there was no evidence of any benefit to emerging earlier. Indeed, worryingly, it was found that the species in this group that specialise in very specific habitat types, often related to the caterpillar’s preferred diet, actually tended to be most at harm from advancing phenology(Q10).  The beautiful High Brown Fritillary, often described as Britain’s most endangered (Q9) butterfly, is in this group. It is found only in coppiced woodland and limestone pavement habitats. It is also a single-generation butterfly that has advanced its phenology. This suggests that climate change, while undoubtedly not the sole cause, might have played a part in the downfall of this species.

All is not lost, however. Many of Britain’s single-generation species show the capacity, in continental Europe, to add a second generation in years that are sufficiently warm (Q11). Therefore, as the climate continues to warm, species like the Silver-studded Blue might be able to switch to multiple generations in the UK as well, and so begin to extract benefits from the additional warmth, potentially leading to population increases.

More immediately, conservationists can arm themselves with all this knowledge to spot the warning signs of species that may be at risk. The White Admiral of southern England, a much sought-after butterfly, experienced a significant increase in numbers from the 1920s but has shown a considerable decline in the past 20 years (Q12). This may be because the caterpillar exists solely on a diet of a plant called honeysuckle (Q13). But it is also likely to be due to climate change.


GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT ĐỀ The impact of climate change on butterflies in Britain

Questions 1-6

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE                    if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

FALSE                  if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN          if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

1. FALSE Forty years ago, there were fewer butterflies in Britain than at present.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: According to conservationists, populations of around two thirds of butterfly species have declined in Britain over the past 40 years.

Giải thích: Câu hỏi cho rằng lượng bướm hiện nay ở Anh nhiều hơn trong quá khứ. Tuy nhiên, bài đọc chứa thông tin về việc khoảng 2/3 giống bướm ở Anh đã suy giảm trong 40 năm qua. Vậy đáp án là FALSE.


2. TRUE Caterpillars are eaten by a number of different predators.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: Butterfly eggs develop into caterpillars and these insects, which are the second stage in a new butterfly’s lifecycle, consume vast quantities of plant material, and in turn act as prey for birds as well as bats and other small mammals.

Giải thích: Thông tin giữa câu hỏi và bài đọc trùng khớp khi sâu bướm chính là mồi của nhiều loài vật khác như chim dơi hay các loài có vú nhỏ khác. Vậy đáp án là TRUE.


3. FALSE Phenology‘ is a term used to describe a creature’s ability to alter the location of a lifecycle event.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: One of the main ways in which species are ensuring conditions suit them is by changing the time of year at which they are active and reproduce. Scientists refer to the timing of such lifecycle events as ‘phenology‘, so when an animal or plant starts to do something earlier in the year than it usually does, it is said to be ‘advancing its phenology’.

Giải thích: Phenology là khả năng của các loài động vật khi có thể chủ động thay đổi THỜI ĐIỂM thích hợp để sinh sản trong năm, dựa vào điều kiện môi trường xung quanh(như thời tiết, nhiệt độ). Chứ không phải là khả năng thay đổi VỊ TRÍ. Vậy đáp án là FALSE.


4. NOT GIVEN Some species of butterfly have a reduced lifespan due to spring temperature increases.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: In Britain, as the average spring temperature has increased by roughly 0.5°C over the past 20 years, species have advanced by between three days and a week on average, to keep in line with cooler temperatures.

Giải thích: Trong bài đọc chỉ chứa thông tin về việc các giống bướm có khả năng sinh sản sớm hơn 3 ngày đến 1 tuần để tránh nóng. Chứ không nhắc gì về vòng đời ngắn hơn của những giống bướm này. Vậy đáp án là NOT GIVEN.


5. FALSE There is a clear reason for the adaptations that butterflies are making to climate change.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: Is this a sign that butterflies are well equipped to cope with climate change, and readily adjust to new temperatures? Or are these populations under stress, being dragged along unwillingly by unnaturally fast changes? The answer is still unknown, but a new study is seeking to answer these questions.

Giải thích: Bài đọc đã trả lời rất rõ ràng “unknown” nghĩa là “chưa rõ”. Câu trả lời về lí do cho sự thích ứng của loài bướm là chưa được tìm thấy, chưa rõ ràng. Vậy đáp án là FALSE.


6. TRUE The data used in the study was taken from the work of amateur butterfly watchers.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: First, the researchers pulled together data from millions of records that had been submitted by butterfly enthusiasts — people who spend their free time observing the activities of different species.

Giải thích: Các ghi chép về các loài bướm đều được thu thập từ các nhà đam mê bướm, những người dành thời gian rảnh để quan sát chúng. Vì vậy, nói những người này là dân ‘amateur’ không hề sai. Vậy đáp án là TRUE.


Questions 7-13

Complete the sentences below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.

Butterflies in the UK

The Small Blue

  • lives in large 7.____colonies_____
  • first appears at the start of 8.____spring_____
  • completes more than one reproductive cycle per year

The High Brown Fritillary

  • has one reproductive cycle
  • is considered to be more 9.____endangered_____ than other species
  • its caterpillars occupy a limited range of 10.____habitat(s)_____

The Silver-studded Blue

  • is already able to reproduce twice a year in warm areas of 11.____Europe_____

The White Admiral

  • is found in 12.____southern_____ areas of England
  • both climate change and the 13.____diet_____ of the caterpillar are possible reasons for decline


Q7: lives in large 7.____colonies_____

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: For these species, such as Britain’s tiniest butterfly, the dainty Small Blue, whose colonies are up to a hundred strong, some develop into butterflies early in spring, allowing their summer generations to complete another reproductive cycle by autumn so that more population growth occurs.

Giải thích: Giống bướm Small Blue thường sống theo đàn đông lên tới hàng trăm con. Vậy đáp án là colonies.


Q8: first appears at the start of 8.____spring_____

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: For these species, such as Britain’s tiniest butterfly, the dainty Small Blue, whose colonies are up to a hundred strong, some develop into butterflies early in spring, allowing their summer generations to complete another reproductive cycle by autumn so that more population growth occurs.

Giải thích: Một vài con bướm Small Blue có khả năng ra đời sớm hơn, ví dụ có thể bắt đầu sinh sản từ đầu xuân. Vậy đáp án là spring.


Q9: is considered to be more 9.____endangered_____ than other species

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: The beautiful High Brown Fritillary, often described as Britain’s most endangered butterfly, is in this group.

Giải thích: Giống bướm High Brown Fritillary được mô tả là giống bướm có nguy tuyệt chủng cao nhất trong nhóm này. Vậy đáp án là endangered.


Q10: its caterpillars occupy a limited range of 10.____habitat(s)_____

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: For these species, there was no evidence of any benefit to emerging earlier. Indeed, worryingly, it was found that the species in this group that specialise in very specific habitat types, often related to the caterpillar’s preferred diet, actually tended to be most at harm from advancing phenology

Giải thích: Sâu bướm High Brown Fritillary có chế độ ăn ưu tiên nên khó sống khi môi trường bị thay đổi nhiều. Vậy đáp án là habitat(s).


Q11: is already able to reproduce twice a year in warm areas of 11.____Europe_____

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: Many of Britain’s single-generation species show the capacity, in continental Europe, to add a second generation in years that are sufficiently warm. Therefore, as the climate continues to warm, species like the Silver-studded Blue might be able to switch to multiple generations in the UK as well, and so begin to extract benefits from the additional warmth, potentially leading to population increases.

Giải thích: Giống bướm Silver-studded Blue có khả năng sinh sản 2 lần/năm ở một vài vùng có khí hậu ấm hơn ở Châu Âu. Vậy đáp án là Europe.


Q12: is found in 12.____southern_____areas of England.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: The White Admiral of southern England, a much sought-after butterfly, experienced a significant increase in numbers from the 1920s but has shown a considerable decline in the past 20 years.

Giải thích: Giống bướm White Admiral được tìm thấy ở phía Nam nước Anh. Vậy đáp án là southern.


Q13: both climate change and the 13.____diet_____ of the caterpillar are possible reasons for decline

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: England, a much sought-after butterfly, experienced a significant increase in numbers from the 1920s but has shown a considerable decline in the past 20 years. This may be because the caterpillar exists solely on a diet of a plant called honeysuckle. But it is also likely to be due to climate change.

Giải thích: Vì giống bướm này phụ thuộc hoàn toàn vào 1 loài thực vật tên “honeysuckle” nên khi loài thực vật này biến mất, giống bướm này cũng có thể biến mất. Vậy đáp án là diet.


IELTSITY hy vọng rằng bài viết này đã giúp bạn hiểu rõ và hoàn thành tốt bài đọc The impact of climate change on butterflies in Britain (CAMBRIDGE 19 – TEST 4 – PASSAGE 1). Đừng quên chia sẻ cho bạn bè để cùng luyện tập nhé! Chúc các bạn học tốt!


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