ĐÁP ÁN CAMBRIDGE IELTS 19 – An inquiry into the existence of the gifted child

Giải đề Cambridge IELTS 19, Test 2, Reading Passage 3: An inquiry into the existence of the gifted child

Bài giải đề trực tiếp từ team IELTSITY giúp các bạn xác định từ khóa, vị trí thông tin và giải thích đáp án cho đề Cambridge IELTS 19, Test 2, Reading Passage 3: An inquiry into the existence of the gifted child

An inquiry into the existence of the gifted child



27. H 34. NOT GIVEN
28. A 35. YES
29. C 36. NOT GIVEN
30. B 37. NO
31. J 38. C
32. I 39. B
33. YES 40. D


An inquiry into the existence of the gifted child

Let us start by looking at a modern ‘genius’, Maryam Mirzakhani, who died at the early age of 40. She was the only woman to win the Fields Medal – the mathematical equivalent of a Nobel prize. It would be easy to assume that someone as special as Mirzakhani must have been one of those ‘gifted’ children, (Q27) those who have an extraordinary ability in a specific sphere of activity or knowledge. But look closer and a different story emerges. Mirzakhani was born in Tehran, Iran. She went to a highly selective girls’ school but maths wasn’t her interest – reading was. (Q28) She loved novels and would read anything she could lay her hands on. As for maths, she did rather poorly at it for the first couple of years in her middle school, but became interested when her elder brother told her about what he’d learned. He shared a famous maths problem from a magazine that fascinated her – and she was hooked. (Q29)

In adult life it is clear that she was curious, excited by what she did and also resolute in the face of setbacks. (Q30) One of her comments sums it up. ‘Of course, the most rewarding part is the “Aha” moment, the excitement of discovery and enjoyment of understanding something new … (Q31) But most of the time, doing mathematics for me is like being on a long hike with no trail and no end in sight.’ That trail took her to the heights of original research into mathematics. (Q32)

Is her background unusual? Apparently not. Most Nobel prize winners were unexceptional in childhood. (Q33)  Einstein was slow to talk as a baby. He failed the general part of the entry test to Zurich Polytechnic – though they let him in because of high physics and maths scores. He struggled at work initially, but he kept plugging away and eventually rewrote the laws of Newtonian mechanics with his theory of relativity. (Q34)

There has been a considerable amount of research on high performance over the last century that suggests it goes way beyond tested intelligence. On top of that, research is clear that brains are flexible, new neural pathways can be created, and IQ isn’t fixed. For example, just because you can read stories with hundreds of pages at the age of five doesn’t mean you will still be ahead of your contemporaries in your teens.

While the jury is out on giftedness being innate and other factors potentially making the difference, (Q35) what is certain is that the behaviours associated with high levels of performance are replicable and most can be taught – even traits such as curiosity.

According to my colleague Prof Deborah Eyre, with whom I’ve collaborated on the book Great Minds and How to Grow Them, the latest neuroscience and psychological research suggests most individuals can reach levels of performance associated in school with the gifted and talented. However, they must be taught the right attitudes and approaches to their learning and develop the attributes of high performers – curiosity, persistence and hard work, (Q38) for example – an approach Eyre calls ‘high performance learning’. Critically, they need the right support in developing those approaches at home as well as at school.

Prof Anders Ericsson, an eminent education psychologist at Florida State University, US, is the co-author of Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise. After research going back to 1980 into diverse achievements, from music to memory to sport, he doesn’t think unique and innate talents are at the heart of performance. Deliberate practice, that stretches you every step of the way, and around 10,000 hours of it, is what produces the goods. (Q39) It’s not a magic number – the highest performers move on to doing a whole lot more, of course. Ericsson’s memory research is particularly interesting because random students, trained in memory techniques for the study, went on to outperform others thought to have innately superior memories – those who you might call gifted.

But it is perhaps the work of Benjamin Bloom, another distinguished American educationist working in the 1980s, that gives the most pause for thought. Bloom’s team looked at a group of extraordinarily high achieving people in disciplines as varied as ballet, swimming, piano, tennis, maths, sculpture and neurology. He found a pattern of parents encouraging and supporting their children, often in areas they enjoyed themselves. Bloom’s outstanding people had worked very hard and consistently at something they had become hooked on when at a young age, and their parents all emerged as having strong work ethics themselves.

Eyre says we know how high performers learn. From that she has developed a high performing learning approach. She is working on this with a group of schools, both in Britain and abroad. Some spin-off research, which looked in detail at 24 of the 3,000 children being studied who were succeeding despite difficult circumstances, found something remarkable. Half were getting free school meals because of poverty, more than half were living with a single parent, and four in five were living in disadvantaged areas. Interviews uncovered strong evidence of an adult or adults in the child’s life who valued and supported education, either in the immediate or extended family or in the child’s wider community. (Q40) Children talked about the need to work hard at school, to listen in class and keep trying.

Let us end with Einstein, the epitome of a genius. He clearly had curiosity, character and determination. He struggled against rejection in early life but was undeterred. (Q36) Did he think he was a genius or even gifted? He once wrote: ‘It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. Most people say it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.’ (Q37)


GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT ĐỀ An inquiry into the existence of the gifted child

Questions 27-32

Complete the summary using the list of phrases, A-K, below.

Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.

Maryam Mirzakhani

Maryam Mirzakhani is regarded as 27 _____H_____ in the field of mathematics because she was the only female holder of the prestigious Fields Medal – a record that she retained at the time of her death. However, maths held little 28 _____A_____ for her as a child and in fact her performance was below average until she was 29 _____C_____ by a difficult puzzle that one of her siblings showed her.

Later, as a professional mathematician, she had an inquiring mind and proved herself to be 30 _____B_____ when things did not go smoothly. She said she got the greatest 31 _____J_____ from making ground-breaking discoveries and in fact she was responsible for some extremely 32 _____I_____ mathematical studies.

A appeal             B determined              C intrigued

D single              E achievement            F devoted

G involved          H unique                      I innovative

J satisfaction      K intent



Từ khóa câu hỏi: Maryam Mirzakhani is regarded as 27 __________ in the field of mathematics because she was the only female holder of the prestigious Fields Medal

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: She was the only woman to win the Fields Medal – the mathematical equivalent of a Nobel prize. It would be easy to assume that someone as special as Mirzakhani must have been one of those ‘gifted’ children, …

Giải thích: Mirzakhani là phụ nữ duy nhất từng giành được giải thưởng danh giá Fields, do đó có thể coi bà là một người vô cùng đặc biệt, độc nhất vô nhị. Vậy đáp án là H – unique



Từ khóa câu hỏi: However, maths held little 28 __________ for her as a child

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: She went to a highly selective girls’ school but maths wasn’t her interest – reading was.

Giải thích: Bà ấy đi học tại một trường chuyên dành riêng cho nữ sinh, nhưng môn toán chưa bao giờ hấp dẫn bà ấy. Vậy đáp án là A – appeal



Từ khóa câu hỏi: in fact her performance was below average until she was 29 __________ by a difficult puzzle that one of her siblings showed her.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: As for maths, she did rather poorly at it for the first couple of years in her middle school, but became interested when her elder brother told her about what he’d learned. He shared a famous maths problem from a magazine that fascinated her – and she was hooked.

Giải thích: Điểm số môn toán của bà ấy là dưới mức trung bình. Tuy nhiên khi được anh trai kể cho nghe về một bài toán khó nổi tiếng, bà ấy đã cảm thấy vô cùng thích thú và bị cuốn vào. Vậy đáp án là C – intrigued



Từ khóa câu hỏi: Later, as a professional mathematician, she had an inquiring mind and proved herself to be 30 __________ when things did not go smoothly.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: In adult life it is clear that she was curious, excited by what she did and also resolute in the face of setbacks.

Giải thích: Sau này khi đã trưởng thành, bà ấy vẫn luôn có trí tò mò với mọi thứ xung quanh và đã chứng tỏ bản thân luôn quyết tâm kể cả trong những hoàn cảnh khó khăn. Vậy đáp án là B – determined



Từ khóa câu hỏi: She said she got the greatest 31 __________ from making ground-breaking discoveries

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: ‘Of course, the most rewarding part is the “Aha” moment, the excitement of discovery and enjoyment of understanding something new …

Giải thích: Bà ấy cảm thấy phần thưởng lớn nhất chính là những khoảnh khắc “Aha”, khi bà ấy khám phá ra những điều mới mẻ. Vậy đáp án là J – satisfaction



Từ khóa câu hỏi: … in fact she was responsible for some extremely 32 __________ mathematical studies.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: That trail took her to the heights of original research into mathematics.

Giải thích: Tâm lý ham học hỏi đã đưa bà ấy tới đỉnh cao của những nghiên cứu toán học nguyên bản do chính bà ấy sáng tạo ra. Vậy đáp án là I – innovative


Questions 33-37

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 33-37 on your answer sheet, write

YES                    if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO                      if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN       if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this


33. YES Many people who ended up winning prestigious intellectual prizes only reached an average standard when young.

Dịch: Nhiều người cuối cùng đã giành được các giải thưởng trí tuệ danh giá chỉ đạt tiêu chuẩn trung bình khi còn trẻ.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: Most Nobel prize winners were unexceptional in childhood.

Giải thích: Hầu hết những người đoạt giải Nobel đều không xuất sắc nổi bật khi còn nhỏ. Vậy đáp án là YES.


34. NOT GIVEN Einstein’s failures as a young man were due to his lack of confidence.

Dịch: Những thất bại của Einstein khi còn trẻ là do ông thiếu tự tin.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: Einstein was slow to talk as a baby. He failed the general part of the entry test to Zurich Polytechnic – though they let him in because of high physics and maths scores. He struggled at work initially, but he kept plugging away and eventually rewrote the laws of Newtonian mechanics with his theory of relativity.

Giải thích: Ta tìm được thông tin về những thất bại đầu đời của Einstein. Song bài không giải thích tại sao ông ta lại thất bại. Vậy đáp án là NOT GIVEN.


35. YES It is difficult to reach agreement on whether some children are actually born gifted.

Dịch: Rất khó để đạt được sự đồng thuận về việc liệu một số trẻ em có thực sự có năng khiếu bẩm sinh hay không.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: While the jury is out on giftedness being innate and other factors potentially making the difference, …

Giải thích: Người ta chưa bao giờ thống nhất được với nhau rằng liệu tài năng của con người có phải xuất phát từ nội tại hay không. Vậy đáp án là YES.


36. NOT GIVEN Einstein was upset by the public’s view of his life’s work.

Dịch: Einstein khó chịu trước cái nhìn của công chúng về sự nghiệp của ông.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: He struggled against rejection in early life but was undeterred.

Giải thích: Ta tìm được thông tin cho rằng Einstein đã phải vật lộn trước những thất bại đầu đời. Tuy nhiên điều này không liên quan gì đến cái nhìn của xã hội về sự nghiệp của ông. Vậy đáp án là NOT GIVEN.


37. NO Einstein put his success down to the speed at which he dealt with scientific questions.

Dịch: Einstein cho rằng thành công của ông là do tốc độ giải quyết các câu hỏi khoa học.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: Most people say it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.

Giải thích: Đúng là Einstein có nói ông ấy dành nhiều thời gian hơn mọi người khi giải quyết các câu hỏi khoa học, tuy nhiên câu này không liên quan đến lý do thành công. Ông ta không tin rằng sự thông minh tạo nên một nhà khoa học vĩ đại, mà tính cách mới là yếu tố chính tạo nên thành công. Vậy đáp án là NO.


Questions 38-40

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.


38     What does Eyre believe is needed for children to equal ‘gifted’ standards? 

A     strict discipline from the teaching staff

B     assistance from their peers in the classroom

C     the development of a spirit of inquiry towards their studies

D     the determination to surpass everyone else’s achievements

Từ khóa đáp án: C. the development of a spirit of inquiry towards their studies 

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: However, they must be taught the right attitudes and approaches to their learning and develop the attributes of high performers – curiosity, persistence and hard work,…

Giải thích: Để đạt được tiêu chuẩn của “sự tài năng”, tất cả trẻ em cần được dạy và áp dụng những đức tính đúng đắn khi học tập, cụ thể là tò mò, kiên định và chăm chỉ. Vậy đáp án là C.


39     What is the result of Ericsson’s research?

A     Very gifted students do not need to work on improving memory skills.

B     Being born with a special gift is not the key factor in becoming expert.

C     Including time for physical exercise is crucial in raising performance. 

D     10,000 hours of relevant and demanding work will create a genius.

Từ khóa đáp án: B. Being born with a special gift is not the key factor in becoming expert.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: After research going back to 1980 into diverse achievements, from music to memory to sport, he doesn’t think unique and innate talents are at the heart of performance. Deliberate practice, that stretches you every step of the way, and around 10,000 hours of it, is what produces the goods.

Giải thích: Nghiên cứu của Ericsson kết luận rằng tài năng bẩm sinh không phải là thứ giúp người ta trở thành những chuyên gia xuất sắc. Thực tế đó là sự luyện tập tự nguyện và 10,000 giờ thực hành. Vậy đáp án là B.


40     In the penultimate paragraph, it is stated the key to some deprived children’s success is

A     a regular and nourishing diet at home. 

B     the loving support of more than one parent.

C     a community which has well-funded facilities for learning. 

D     the guidance of someone who recognises the benefits of learning.

Từ khóa đáp án: D. the guidance of someone who recognises the benefits of learning.

Từ đồng nghĩa trong bài: Interviews uncovered strong evidence of an adult or adults in the child’s life who valued and supported education, either in the immediate or extended family or in the child’s wider community.

Giải thích: Chìa khóa thành công của những đứa trẻ có hoàn cảnh khó khăn là sự xuất hiện của một hoặc nhiều người lớn mà trân quý và ủng hộ việc học trong cuộc đời chúng. Vậy đáp án là D.


IELTSITY hy vọng rằng bài viết này đã giúp bạn hiểu rõ và hoàn thành tốt bài đọc An inquiry into the existence of the gifted child (CAMBRIDGE 19 – TEST 2 – PASSAGE 3). Đừng quên chia sẻ cho bạn bè để cùng luyện tập nhé! Chúc các bạn học tốt!


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